Manufacturers, Distributors & Wholesalers

The California region presents its own opportunities and challenges for the manufacturer, distributor and wholesaler businesses that are based here. We’re here to help you grow your working capital while planning for the future. With years of local industry experience and active participation in a number of trade-specific organizations, we learn your unique needs and help guide you toward the solutions and services that will best serve your goals.

Our Services

Unparalleled Industry Expertise

While California is a hub of innovation, it can be a challenging place to conduct business. Driven by the higher cost of real estate, labor, environmental and regulatory compliance, and energy, California-based manufacturers must be even more strategic. Their processes and business practices must implement continuous improvement and lean manufacturing techniques. We understand and appreciate how these factors, combined with business cycles and seasonality, can impact profitability and cash flow.

It is also important for us to understand your company’s CapEx investment cycle, whether for maintenance or new purchases, because of the dramatic impact these types of investments have on short and long-term profitability of the enterprise.

Value-Added Client Relationships

We take the time to listen and learn about your business and its growth opportunities, challenges, and operations. Our aim is to be a valued resource no matter where you are in your business lifecycle, forging a relationship that will last. Our familiarity with the region’s conditions and economy, combined with the authority to make decisions locally, means we can offer you relevant, informed recommendations and rapid credit decisions that are based on your company’s unique circumstances.

Products and services

trade associations

Our bankers are active in a number of trade-specific organizations including MANEX, Association of Manufacturers Bay Area, California League of Food Processors, and the Specialty Food Association.

Note: All loans/lines of credit are subject to credit approval. Terms and conditions apply.